Advanced PDF Password Recovery 5.03  |
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Added: 21/02/2007
| Downloaded: 30/04/2020
Updated: 30/04/2020 |
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Advanced PDF Password Recovery unlocks PDF documents and removes editing, printing and copying restrictions instantly. Get access to encrypted and password-protected PDF documents quickly and efficiently! The unique, patent-pending Thunder Tables® technology guarantees the recovery of 40-bit keys in under a minute! The multi-threaded low-level code is optimized for modern multi-core PCs, ensuring the best performance and the quickest recovery of the most complex passwords.
Why pay for features you might never need? We offer a variety of editions to satisfy the most demanding customer yet affordable to casual users.
The Standard edition is a perfect choice if you have a restricted PDF file that deprives you of getting a hard copy and/or disallows editing and copying of data to clipboard. The Standard edition instantly removes all restrictions and unlocks the protected PDF file.
If you cannot open a PDF file without knowing the password, you need the Professional edition. This edition comes with everything included in the Standard version, and allows retrieving the "owner" and "user" passwords with brute-force and dictionary attacks. The unique Key Search Attack guarantees the recovery of PDF documents protected with 40-bit encryption. Effectively optimized for speed, this attack can recover the protected documents in a matter of days when used on a modern multi-core PC. Removing JScript code, form fields and digital signatures is also an option.
The Enterprise edition extends the features of the Professional version by adding the unique, patent-pending Thunder Tables® technology that allows recovering “user” passwords in a minute’s timeframe instead of days. The Thunder Tables® technology uses pre-computed, supports 40-bit encryption, and is shipped with express mail on a separate DVD.
Advanced PDF Password Recovery saves your time and money by unlocking restricted PDF documents instantly and recovering passwords-to-open faster. Detailed description »
File location: http://www.elcomsoft.com
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