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SBMAV Disk Cleaner Add file to the favorites

Category: Archives
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 Size: 6 836 248 bytes (6.52 MB)
 Added: 28/05/2008 | Downloaded: 09/10/2012
 Updated: 09/10/2012
 26 total downloads »
Not enough available space on the hard drive? Think you need a new one? Chances are that you just need advanced software to free up your hard disk space! SBMAV Disk Cleaner 2009 is a comprehensive cleanup solution for your system and hard disk. The smart program scans the system, detects and removes temporary files, cookies, duplicates and empty folders that consume hard disk space. It also analyzes the content of hard disks and provides you with the information on the size of folders and subfolders to help you determine the folders that are important and those that need to be gone.

Fast and reliable tool, SBMAV Disk Cleaner 2009 employs innovative MAVQSM™ technology - a sophisticated self-learning system that creates a database after the first full scan, minimizing time spent on future disc scans to a couple of minutes and saving your time. What's more, the program's security system prevents you from accidentally deleting important data.

The program can also benefit the users that are tired of the irritating applications which load automatically every time the system starts, and run in the background, wasting memory and other resources. SBMAV Disk Cleaner 2009 ensures that programs only run if they are allowed to: it enables a user to configure startup programs and services, boosting system performance and enhancing productivity. In addition, the software offers the easy way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer, delete registry entries and associated support files.

Don't let megabytes of duplicates waste space and resources - download SBMAV Disk Cleaner 2009 now and clean up your computer in a few clicks of a mouse!
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