Outlook Express Password Recovery Master 1.2 
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Added: 11/08/2009
| Downloaded: 21/09/2017
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Outlook Express Password Recovery Master is a program that helps the user to display server names, user logins and passwords for all the e-mail and newsgroups accounts stored by Outlook Express as well as identity passwords. Most people who use Outlook Express have multiple e-mail and/or newsgroup accounts. Almost 100% percent of time as soon as authorization information (namely logins and passwords) get entered, it is forgotten. What happens when a person buys a new computer, upgrades Windows, has to type in a password for activating anti-spam software or needs to change his or her password for another reason? Few people who write down their passwords and logins on a scratch of paper are fortunate enough to find it, when necessary. But what should the rest do? Get Outlook Express Password Recovery Master, of course. It is so easy to use. The program automatically displays server types and addresses, user logins and passwords for all e-mail and newsgroups accounts stored by Outlook Express. In addition, the program shows the complete list of Outlook Express users together with their identity passwords. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Password protection of the program execution added. Windows XP visual styles support. Some internal bugs fixed.
Rating: 5.0
File location: http://www.rixler.com
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