Talking Translator Pro 1.9.4 
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ttpro.zip Find similar
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Added: 19/04/2009
| Downloaded: 28/05/2016
Updated: 17/09/2013 |
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Talking Translator Pro is an easy to use 4 in 1 language utility which can translate text between 8 languages with 23 language sets, Find meanings of words, Read the contents of files and clipboard. It can also read the translations in its native language with proper accent using the in-built text-to-speech feature. You can easily edit and saves your translations and meanings in multiple formats. Also, text-to-speech engines in 12 languages are provided free. The English Dictionary provides quick access to meanings of any English words. A built-in Word Processor-like editor is included to edit your translation and meanings without having to launch another separate application. The Built-in Clipboard and File Reader make it easy to listen to a text file, Rich Text File, web page content or just content on the clipboard. You can save your work in many formats, including Acrobat PDF, Rich Text, Text File and HTML. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Maintenance Release, Windows 8 Compatibility
File location: http://www.abhisoft.net
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