XP Visual Tools 1.8.7  |
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Added: 10/01/2008
| Downloaded: 19/12/2016
177 total downloads »
XP VISUAL TOOLS brings fresh air in Windows programming style, using dynamic effects and powerful multimedia elements for a new user interface eXPerience. It’s not just another skinable program, it’s even more. XP Visual Tools brings you completely new interface with each new skin, new animations, music effects and total support for the visual features in Windows XP such as transparency, drop shadow and XP visual style (XP Themes). Finally a complete suite of Windows XP Desktop enhancement, XP Visual Tools is loaded with all you need to tweak your Windows XP Desktop. Now you can do anything you want, from changing transparency level of XP Start Menu and XP Taskbar to easy swapping between different Windows XP LogonUI or Windows XP Wallpapers and applying Windows XP Skins (XP Themes) to old programs. XP VISUAL TOOLS remains user friendly and easy to use even if it’s so powerful! Feel free to download any Windows XP Wallpapers and Windows XP LogonUI and manage them easy with this new Windows XP Utility! Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
add xp skins support to any folder, minor bugs removed, interface facelift, performance tweaking
File location: http://www.cronosoft.com
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