Chronicles of Vida: The Story of the missing Princess 
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ChroniclesofVidaTheStoryofthemissingPrincess.exe Find similar
Size: 405 809 397 bytes
(387.01 MB)
Added: 14/02/2014
| Downloaded: 14/02/2014
4 total downloads »
 Beauty, brains, and brawn join forces in a single, alluring heroine to win the age-old war between good and evil in The Chronicles of Vida! Certainly, no demon is a match for the game's striking and clever huntress, who was raised to battle vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of the night. Your mission: Guide Vida as she explores an eerie Victorian countryside in her quest to rescue a missing princess. Search for the clues that will lead her to the monsters she must vanquish, find important objects evil spirits hid from her sight, and solve the puzzles meant to stop her in her tracks. With you pointing the way, there will be no stopping her!
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