Elias The Mighty  |
Category: Games |
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File name:
EliasTheMighty.exe Find similar
Size: 31 394 365 bytes
(29.94 MB)
Added: 07/07/2012
| Downloaded: 07/07/2012
4 total downloads »
Based on the legendary Russian folk hero, Elias the Mighty is a thrilling arcade puzzle game based on shape recognition. During gameplay, objects scroll across the bottom of the screen. You must grab the items with your mouse and place them in the corresponding holes above while planning ahead in order to reach your target score. In addition, you can collect gems and then spend your riches on items that can help you win. Add in colorful graphics and a storyline steeped in tradition, and you have a game that's the next best thing to fighting alongside Elias himself!
File location: http://www.alawar.com
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