Natural Threat: Ominous Shores  |
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NaturalThreatOminousShores.exe Find similar
Size: 618 282 352 bytes
(589.64 MB)
Added: 06/06/2012
| Downloaded: 06/06/2012
4 total downloads »
There are things on a forgotten island in the Pacific that should not exist. And they have your friends. Use your powers of observation, your keen wit and your fortitude to brave the escalating threat that unfolds before you and save your companions! Each scene will bring new challenges, horrifying discoveries and clues to what brought the genetic aberrations that populate the island to life. Be smart, and you might survive long enough to make the most shocking discovery of all. With its immersive blend of atmosphere and imagination, Natural Threat paints a dark picture of what can happen when science enters uncharted territory.
File location: http://www.alawar.com
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