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Background Remover Background Remover 3.2 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - B - BA
 File name: BackgroundRemover_Demo_Setup.exe Find similar »
 Size: 15 476 760 bytes (14.76 MB)
 Added: 14/06/2009 | Downloaded: 24/08/2019
 Updated: 24/09/2012
 126 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of Background RemoverBackground Remover is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for Windows designed by ImageSkill Sofware that can work with Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint Shop Pro, IrfanView, XnView etc.
It fast and easily extracts opaque and semitransparent objects from a complex background of a digital image while preserving edge detail, such as flying hair or blurred edge. It simply removes an unwanted part of an image and subtracts background color in the transition zone between an object and background. Unlike the knowing masking tools Background Remover is not implemented as a brush. You only need to mark very roughly an object and background colors and choose the cutting out tool from a toolbar. Excellent and perfect object extraction is achieved in a shorter amount of time than using competitive tools and techniques such as Adobe Magic Extractor, Corel Knock-Out, Microsoft Expression and so on. If necessary, one can enhance the result and make it more perceptual by using additional options for feathering the edges of a mask and mask contraction. The former is used for getting a soften transition between the edge of the mask and the object while the latter is applied for avoiding unwanted border around the object and smoothing object contour. For the manual correction of the resulting image the erase/restore brush of Background Remover is also available. The cut-out objects can be blended with a different background properly and therefore may be used for collage, scrap-book and greeting card creation. One can switch between original image and result one and preview the extracted object against a colored matte background. Background Remover has multi-lingual interface (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Chinese Simple and Traditional, and Japanese) . It is supplied with simple install and uninstall procedures, help and small tutorial.
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Changes in the last version:
Add native 64 bit code.
The milti-language interface was implemented (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Chinese Simplified, and Chinese Traditional) .

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