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Asterisk Password Recovery Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - D - DD
 File name: DDPasswordUnmask.exe Find similar »
 Size: 3 041 534 bytes (2.90 MB)
 Added: 15/06/2010 | Downloaded: 23/07/2010
 51 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of Asterisk Password RecoveryPassword decryption software decrypts the encrypted characters which are covered under asterisk symbols. Utility unhides the gmail, indiatimes, yahoo messenger, orkut, google, jobsahead, rediffmail, monster, naukri, MSN, hotmail, AOL user login account password hidden behind asterisk symbols which are provided with internet explorer, Netscape 7, Trillian, Miranda, GAIM and Mozilla. Software is non destructive and read only tool. Password unmask utility provides graphical user interface because it follows the simple method that is ‘drag the pointer over the asterisk (*****) symbol’ and see the forgotten password. Password recovery software reveals all passwords which are stored inside the protected storage, including the auto complete password of internet explorer, outlook express and MSN explorer. Utility automatically decode the coded characters from windows word, excel, PowerPoint, access, outlook express, CoffeeCup FTP, CuteFTP, Smart FTP, FlashFXP, VNC login password box, which is covered under asterisk symbol.
* Password recovery tool automatically fetches the google, rediffbol, gmail, hotmail email ID, yahoo, rediffmail, msn messenger and indiatimes login account password.
* Utility reveals password from different FTP client software like CuteFTP, SmartFTP and FlashFXP.
* Software decrypts the encrypted characters of word, excel, VBA project, Access, Office XP, Office 2003 and Outlook.
* Tool support graphical user interface (GUI) because it follows the easy mechanism that is ‘drag the pointer over the asterisk symbol’ only and see the result.
* Utility decodes the coded user and owner password which gives the standard security to PDF files preventing them from copying, editing, and printing.
* Prevent system from different ways of hacking such as NetBIOS, ICMP Ping, FTP, rpc.statd and HTTP.
* Software works under windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 operating system.
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