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Advanced Batch Converter 5.20 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - A - AB
 File name: abc.exe Find similar »
 Size: 6 095 454 bytes (5.81 MB)
 Added: 28/11/2008 | Downloaded: 28/11/2012
 Updated: 28/11/2012
 128 total downloads »
There are some strange folks out there, who waste their valuable time converting, cropping or resizing images one by one. After spending hours doing that, they spent more time renaming images one at a time. Then they complain how difficult it is to use Photoshop to perform even the most basic image editing tasks. And the most unusual thing about them that they still have not downloaded and installed Advanced Batch Converter - a time-saving image processing software application so simple, even your grandmother can use it.

Advanced Batch Converter can take virtually any number of images in any format (over 180 file formats supported) and convert them within seconds to any of the 40+ most popular formats. Advanced Batch Converter can also resize, rotate, flip, mirror, crop individual or bulk images within seconds. You can also apply various filters, watermarks, morphing effects and enhance colors, to name a few perks that come with the software.

Supported images:
bmp, jpg, gif, giff, png, tif, jpeg, rle, dib, pcd, icb, ico, wmf, tiff, tga, pcx, scr, emf, jif, vda, jfif, rgb, afi, vst, win, cel, jpe, rgba, pic, pcc, cut, ppm, pgm, pbm, sgi, rla, rpf, psd, pdd, psp, cur, targa, bw, tar, jfi, int, pdf, crw, cr2, dicom, dcm, pict, inta, fax, jng, mng, 411, wbmp, wbm, ani, pix, thm, g3f, g3n, jp2, j2k, jpc, jpx, j2c, j, rl4, rl8, sys, tim, g3, tpi, tpic, pnm, pxm, iri, iris, rppm, rpgm, rpbm, rpxm, rpnm, rpp, rpg, rpb, rpx, rpn, avi, hdp, wdp, bpx, ps, eps, pdf, epi, ai, CameraRAW and much more.

The evaluation version allows you to try the program for 30 days and is available to download at
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Changes in the last version:
Microsoft Windows 7 Support. PostScript (PDF, PS, EPS, EPI, AI) support, enhanced CameraRAW support. New tools (EXIF tags editor, lossless cut, PE extractor/explorer). Full-screen mode. Optimized TIFF-LZW loading, enhanced ICO compatibility, optimized MagicWand performance. And more.

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