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ACDSee Photo Editor 4.0.195 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - A - AC
 File name: acdseephotoeditor.exe Find similar »
 Size: 89 594 584 bytes (85.44 MB)
 Added: 21/02/2008 | Downloaded: 12/11/2012
 Updated: 20/11/2010
 277 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of ACDSee Photo EditorCreative ease. Photo Perfection. Want to start being creative with your digital photos, but don't know where to begin? Maybe you think being creative with your photos is too difficult. Maybe you think true digital creativity is reserved for the photo professionals of the world.
We understand your reservations. And thats why weve designed ACDSee Photo Editor. For family photo lovers like you - people who want to turn their everyday shots into something extra special. Photo Editor makes photo creativity easy.Be creative with your photos and learn and how to get the best results in the shortest number of steps. Get the tools and clear instruction you need to turn your digital pics into something truly memorable - photos that will last a lifetime.
Create photos for use in cards, albums, and calendars of your kids, friends, extended family, vacations, and memorable moments for everyone to share.
Fix, create, and share your photos from the moment you first use the software. With clear How-tos built right into the application, each and every step to creating perfect photos is made easy and enjoyable for you.
Photo Editor has a feature called the How-tos that offer you step-by-step instructions on a variety of popular and less known photo tasks, complemented with visual examples and cues.
The How-tos are there to make creativity easy. In a nutshell, the How-tos are guided walk-throughs that teach you how to do the different creative tasks you might want to try with your photos. Even the simplest things have been included in the How-tos, like Getting Photos and Opening Files and Photos.
We made The How-tos so you can be confident and explore new creative avenues.
The How-tos walk you through the task you've select from the How-to menu. They show you exactly how to make each change in the creative process, with detailed and easy-to-follow instructions. When reading the How-to titles you'll find yourself saying, "Hey, that's cool, I never knew I could do that!"
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Changes in the last version:
Vista, Certified, Guided walk-throughs (called How-tos) built right into the application, variations window displays up to 8 different previews, automatic adjustments, vignette tool

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