SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 2.9.10  |
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File name:
bwmsetup.exe Find similar
Size: 9 067 976 bytes
(8.65 MB)
Added: 21/06/2010
| Downloaded: 12/05/2013
Updated: 12/05/2013 |
107 total downloads »
SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is a full-featured traffic management tool for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 that offers cost-effective bandwidth control and quality of service based on built-in prioritized rules. These rules can specify a bandwidth limit for each Internet user. This kind of software often called bandwidth shaper, bandwidth limiter or traffic shaper. With SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager, you can apply speed-throttling rules to specified IP addresses, ports and even network interfaces with no changes to existing network infrastructure. The rich feature set of SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is easily managed via the intuitive Windows GUI.
The key features of SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager:
* Centralized configuration from a single network location. * Flexible, prioritized, bidirectional rules to specify maximum data rates. * Rules for IP addresses, protocols, ports (for TCP/IP) and network interfaces. * Transparency for end users. * No software installation is required on client workstations in most cases. * Detailed and comprehensive statistics are available for each rule. Detailed description »
File location: http://www.softperfect.com
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