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Intelliscore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI Converter Intelliscore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI Converter 8.1.2 Add file to the favorites

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 Size: 5 195 756 bytes (4.96 MB)
 Added: 27/09/2010 | Downloaded: 22/09/2020
 Updated: 29/07/2013
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Look at screenshot of Intelliscore Ensemble MP3 to MIDI ConverterIntelliScore Ensemble helps you transcribe music. It listens to your multiple-instrument CD audio, WAV, and MP3 files and helps create multi-track MIDI (.mid) files containing the notes and drums played, broken down by instrument, chord names, and key. Then you can take those MIDI files and view the notation, change individual notes, and swap or mute instruments. You can also compose MIDI music in real-time by singing or playing any instrument.

Are you looking for an easier way to get musical notation from recorded music? Want to play along to a favorite song but just can't quite differentiate between the guitar and bass parts? Let intelliScore do the difficult work for you. Spend more time making music and less time figuring out the notes.

* Helps you figure out the notes chord names and key present in multiple-instrument MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, or AIFF files and CDs. Unlike "pitch detectors" intelliScore can convert music that contains more than one note at a time (such as chords) and more than one instrument at a time, including drums
* View and edit scores and individual tracks once your WAV, MP3, WMA, AIF, AAC, or CD files are converted into MIDI
* Rip CD music, convert it to MIDI (.mid) file, then play it in your MIDI keyboard
* Play your MIDI synthesizer live by singing or playing any musical instrument into a microphone attached to your computer. Turn your voice into a MIDI instrument!
* See the names of the chords and key present in your WAV, MP3, AAC, AIFF, or WMA file
* Expressive nuances such as pitch bend, vibrato, brightness, tremolo, and portamento are recreated on instrument tracks that contain one note at a time
* Sing or play a non-MIDI instrument and see the notes appear in Anvil Studio or your own MIDI sequencer
* Helps create a lead sheet by detecting the lead part from a multi-instrument audio file or CD
* Build a multi-track MIDI score one track at a time by singing or playing a non-MIDI instrument
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Changes in the last version:
Score Builder, Lead Sheet Creator, drums in ensembles, improved accuracy, updated documentation, native 64-bit engine, mute individual instruments, integrated volume/balance control

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