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Memory Card Restore Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - M - ME
 File name: memory-card-data-recovery-demo.exe Find similar »
 Size: 2 114 944 bytes (2.02 MB)
 Added: 19/01/2008 | Downloaded: 28/07/2017
 Updated: 28/07/2017
 489 total downloads »
Memory Card lost files folders recovery software support data restoration on Windows XP, 2k, 2k3, ME, NT, 98 versions operating systems. Restore different types of memory cards like sD (secure digital), compact flash, xD (extreme digital), multimedia memory card (mmc) and smart media. Undelete various digital storage brands such as Aiptek, inolta, Mustek, BenQ, Samsung, Jenoptik, Pentax, Digital Dream, Kodak, Ricoh, Konica, Nikon, Panasonic, Fuji Film, Lumicron, Pratica, Umax, Yakumo, HP, Casio, Canon, Olympus, Philips, Sanyo, Relisys, Vivitar, Sony, Acer. Tool retrieve deleted JPG, JPEG, RIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG, TIFF photos, images, pictures fetch erased MPEG, WAV, AVI, MOV video, audio file formats. Unerase power point (ppt), Word, TXT, MS Excel sheet, Access documents and informations. Utility repair and rescue the corrupted memory card due to virus attack, hardware malfunction, improper handling. Software is read only, non destructive and provides user compatible GUI (graphical user interface) for the users to work easily.
* Rescue and repair files such as Access, power point (ppt), MS Excel sheet, TXT, Word, PDF.
* Restoration is possible instead of memory card has been reformatted.
* Software provides recovery of different types of memory cards such as secure digital, smart media, multimedia memory card, extreme digital, compact flash and digital camera.
* Tool support data recovery on Windows XP, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, 98.
* Restore the memory card damaged files folders due to mishandling, system crash.
* Fetch the deleted pictures, images, photos file formats like BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, RIFF, JPG and WAV, AVI, MOV, MPEG video, audio.
* Software retrieves the memory card even if DRIVE NOT FORMATTED message is being displayed.
* Utility is non destructive, read only, and give user friendly graphical user interface (GUI).
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Changes in the last version:
Support For Latest Mobile Phone Memory Card

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