HDDlife plugin for Google Desktop 3.0.146 Not long time ago, Google presented their Google Desktop system. This freeware package builds a searchable index of your local files and allows you to search through them as you normally search for pages in Google. Google Desktop comes with a grea... HDDlifeGoogle.exe 1.68 MB
(1 759 744 bytes) File location: http://www.hddlife.com Added: 05/04/2009| Downloaded: 08/11/2009Total downloads: 1
Remote Desktop Manager Remote Desktop Manager is a small application used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, shared, organize and find your remote connection quickly. Compatible with Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services... Setup.RemoteDesktopManager. 1.77 MB
(1 860 552 bytes) File location: http://remotedesktopmanager.com Added: 27/07/2010| Downloaded: 20/12/2011Total downloads: 1