antivirus, archiver, audio, browser, Browsers, CD, cd burning, cd ripping, cdrom, divx, download, DVD, editor, file exchange, file of the day, file sharing, Firefox, firewall, free, FTP, ICQ, IE, IM, iso, mail client, Maxton, mozilla, MP3, music, office, open source, p2p, player, sharing, system, tools, video, virtual cd, windows, xp style
22/01/2011, 22:01, Author: denzab
DM Mobile - is a free download manager for mobile phones and communicators.
DM Mobile features: - the directory with software, games, music and pictures; - simultaneous download of several files; - download resuming; - multi-threaded download (disabled in this version); - the ability to save downloaded files to the standard phone folders; - the ability to open files right from the program; - automatic update; - languages support (English, Ukrainian and Russian); - the ability to send error reports from the program
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