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21/12/2007, 04:50, Author: denzab
A new version of the browser Opera has been released. The new release eliminates a number of vulnerabilities in security found in the recent past.
A popular browser from the developers of the cold Norway. Over the years, an entire army of fans (if not fans). It has its own, very nimble kernel, which is capable of rapidly processing page. Compared with Internet Explorer, Opera works much faster. QUICK rendering pages not the only the dignity of the Opera. In the arsenal there is a wealth of programs of all kinds of functions as a direct associated with the display of pages, and additional: client P2P- network BitTorrent, simple manager of downloads, IRC- client RSS, system widgets (any type of calendars, calculators, address books, etc.). Download: Opera_9.25_International_Setup.exe 6.28 MБ
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