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Tag - compression
10/04/2008, 11:26, Author: denzab
Upgrade for the WinZIP. In this version: improved support for Unicode; full support of the LHA archive format; removed support for DOS programs from third-party developers (ARJ, ARC…); minor improvements and corrections.
The program that has received worldwide popularity appeared to be the first archiver with a graphical interface. Since ancient times, a lot of time has passed, and we need to note that in recent years the program heavily deposited it's positions. Competitors like WinRAR, WinACE, 7-Zip, have more features and a higher degree of compression.
The program supports a number of popular formats for archiving, and more precisely: ZIP, RAR, GZIP, Z, ARJ, ARC, CAB, LZH, TAR, MIME, Unix Compress, Uuencode, Xxencode, BinHex. Supports unlimited size ZIP archives. It is also include a tool for backup.
WinZip 11.2 13.04 MB compression, archiver |
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