antivirus, archiver, audio, browser, Browsers, CD, cd burning, cd ripping, cdrom, divx, download, DVD, editor, file exchange, file of the day, file sharing, Firefox, firewall, free, FTP, ICQ, IE, IM, iso, mail client, Maxton, mozilla, MP3, music, office, open source, p2p, player, sharing, system, tools, video, virtual cd, windows, xp style
Tag - recording
01/07/2008, 04:10, Author: denzab
The new release Maxthon - a popular program to expand the functionality of the browser Internet Explorer. This version fixes several bugs.
The most popular and perhaps most powerful add-on www-browser Internet Explorer. Adds browser in many useful functions. Among other things: an interface based on the taboo to display multiple sites in one window (true for IE 6); means increased security management mouse gestures (gesture assigned the team); AutoFill web forms; work with RSS; blocking advertising and pop-ups and a great many additional amenities. Also supported skins and plug-ins that are fundamentally expanding its capabilities.
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