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uTorrent 1.8

11/08/2008, 03:25, Author: denzab

After months of testing, the final version of the popular BitTorrent-client uTorrent has been released.

Version 1.8 - is an inherently great bugfix. The purpose of this version is to improve the overall quality of the program. Improved compatibility with the operating system Windows Vista, hundreds of bugs fixed. This version has Teredo/IPv6 support added.

uTorrent has a very small size of distribution. 260 kilobytes total, thoughtful and very attractive interface will be a much more compelling argument for uTorrent. Of course it supports all necessary functions, like all current clients for this popular P2P-network.
P2P, free, sharing, tools

helpfuluseless 0 points | Votes: 0 | Comments: 0 Add

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StrongDC 2.06

25/12/2007, 08:42, Author: denzab

Popular P2P- client StrongDC has been upgraded to version 2.06.

P2P-client for the communities of Direct Connect (commonly developed for LANs). From classic DC + + client, the program is different by set of additional features. The main difference is the approach to the Multi download of files: if the original client downloads the entire file, the server StrongDC pieces immediately the file from several owners , thus increasing the speed of download.

This P2P sharing network works on the principle of universal access to resources. Each user is allocated a number of files that want to share with the society.

Download StrongDC (3.8 MB - Open Source)

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P2P, sharing, client

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DC++ 0.704

17/12/2007, 06:30, Author: denzab

Update for the popular Peer 2 Peer client DC + + (Direct Connect).

This Peer 2 Peer system has earned great popularity in the LAN, virtually replacing themselves FTP- servers. Over the last 2-3 years I have not met a local area network, which would not have been developed DC- community. It can be said that for the exchange of files on LAN it is the best way to do so, and perhaps the only real choice. DC + + is rich and popular in the global network. Thousands and thousands of users vary in different files, including Russian-speaking hub. For a list, please visit

This P2P network  works on the principle of universal access to resources. Each user is allocated a number of files that want to share with the society.

Download DC++ (2.3 MB - Open Source)

P2P, sharing, file sharing

helpfuluseless 0 points | Votes: 0 | Comments: 0 Add

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